Make your career your own
Executive leadership and career coach for women who want to make a greater impact through their work.

Make your career your own
Executive leadership and career coach for women who want to make a greater impact through their work.
Define what you want to achieve in your career. Create a plan to get there.
Often, what stops women from achieving their professional potential is a lack of clarity on their career vision, doubts about their ability to achieve what they want, and uncertainty about how to overcome the obstacles in the way.
These obstacles may include limiting beliefs about what you can achieve, a fear of failure, a lack of knowing what you want to do next, career commitments to loved ones that feel unbreakable, limited resources or time to chart a new course, plus many other reasons you may have about why it feels impossible to create a new path forward.
If you are blocked by any of these obstacles, know that they are not insurmountable. I have worked with hundreds of women who have faced similar constraints to making their way to careers they love, helping them navigate the challenging terrain of career change to overcome the blocks that are in the way. I use the tools I learned during my own journey of career transformation from business executive to entrepreneur to guide my clients to more fulfilling, impactful, and meaningful careers and lives.
When you engage me as your coach, we’ll work together to identify the impact you want to make through your work, the right career for you based on that, and create the strategies to achieve it. By working together, you’ll begin taking steps to fulfill your professional potential and build the impactful career you’ve been longing to create.
Take the first step!

Andree H
“Kim helped with everything, giving me so much more than I ever expected!
Kim set the whole framework for our work together, giving me direction and keeping me motivated along the way. She helped me stay focused and, above all, instilled in me the confidence to know I can get out there and do everything I want to do!
On a practical level, Kim was always sending me useful resources and documents. Thanks to her, I also now have an updated resume and LinkedIn profile, which has already led to some fantastic new connections.
With Kim’s help, I’ve realized I’m not over the hill – I can still go out there and make an impact. My age brings with it some amazing skills that I can carry forward into a bright future. I am branching out!”
Andree H.
Software Developer

My Background
Executive Leadership and Career Coach for Women
If you know only one thing about me, it’s that my work is dedicated to developing leaders and advancing women in the workplace.
I believe our society will be a better place when women stop settling for jobs they can barely tolerate, start building careers they love, and amplify their professional gifts.
I launched my coaching and consulting business, Kim Jones Alliance, with the mission of working with individuals and companies committed to fostering the equal representation of women in the workplace. This work is so important to me because as a former C-suite executive in the Information Technology sector, I know first-hand the obstacles women face in achieving advancement and well-being through the work they do.
As a career coach for women who want to make a career transition, I guide my clients through the process of envisioning a career that aligns with their life's mission and values; crafting their career narrative to articulate the value they will bring to their next job; and developing the strategy for their job search to realize careers they love.
For clients looking to elevate their existing careers, I deploy comprehensive strategies learned from my executive leadership career and anthropological training to address the issues that hinder women's advancement and equal representation in the workplace. These strategies are centered on developing the skills, authenticity, resilience, confidence, perseverance, communication, and political acumen to guide professional growth while creating practices to balance professional objectives with overall well-being.
My Story
I knew from a young age that I wanted to make my mark on the world. Early on, I decided I would do this by becoming a business leader. My subsequent corporate career was characterized by hard work, earning, pursuing, sacrificing, navigating challenging environments, and achieving great success doing it. I achieved my goal when I worked my way up to divisional CIO and senior vice president for a Fortune 250 insurance company. I had a career that was, by all accounts, the definition of success. The problem was, I was unfulfilled doing the very thing that I intentionally set out to do.
This lack of fulfillment was tolerable until my personal life began unraveling in 2014. In the space of only a few short years, I suffered tremendous losses to some of the people I loved most (my brother died of a catastrophic heart attack, a beloved family member was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and a dear friend lost his battle to cancer). Because of these events, I realized with a clarity I hadn't had before that I no longer wanted to maintain a job in service to someone else’s vision. I spent the next few years reinventing my career into one that’s committed to making a bigger impact in the world, one built on a foundation of meaning and fulfillment and aligned with work I feel called to do.
Fast forward, and I now support women and companies aspiring to create similar impact in the world by aligning their work with their deepest values and interests. Now, I am honored and privileged every day to help mission-driven people and organizations achieve their boldest visions and make their own indelible mark on the world.

Charlene E
“I would not be where I am without Kim!
What I hoped to get from my coaching with Kim was clarity on my next career move. What I actually got was an entirely new direction for my career! Our engagement helped me better connect with my passion and purpose and helped me develop the resilience and grit needed to move into this next phase.
Kim’s coaching reinforced my desire to challenge myself beyond what I’ve ever done and helped me tackle my fears to prove to myself that I can achieve bigger dreams than I ever imagined, something that will serve me well in my transition from corporate executive to entrepreneur. By sharing her in-depth knowledge and experience, Kim has given me the confidence going forward to take on the challenges and unexpected glitches that are going to happen on my career journey.
Furthermore, I cannot express how much I appreciated Kim’s strength, clarity, and calmness. Kim sees things both through a professional lens and from a human perspective – blending those together to make her coaching unique. She always brought humanity, honesty, and courage to each of our sessions.”
Charlene E.
Business Consultant