Thinking About Leaving Your Career in Tech?

Career Guidance or Coaching For Women In Tech or IT

If you’re thinking about leaving your career in tech, you’re not alone.  In fact, women leaving their jobs in IT is happening at near epidemic numbers, with more than half of women abandoning the field by the time they reach mid-career, an alarming statistic that’s more than double the rate of men. Leaving Behind My…

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Will Coaching Help You Discover Your Career Purpose?

Discover My Career Purpose

Many people seek career coaching to help them discover their career purpose.  However, the traditional techniques and methods used by career coaches may not be sufficient to help you identify your ideal career.  Read on for tips on alternative approaches that may bring you the clarity you’re looking for. The Seemingly Endless Search for My…

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Career Change During COVID

Woman on a coastal rock looking through a looking glass

Why are so many professional women thinking about a career change during COVID?   It turns out that periods of personal or collective disruption bring many people to an inflection point, where they must decide how to move forward in highly turbulent environments.  This causes many to re-evaluate their priorities and take risks that appear less…

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